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State House hearing on the Affordable Homes Act
On January 18, 2024, Amy Schectman, Saul and Gitta Kurlat Chief Executive Officer of 2Life Communities, was one of several key experts to provide testimony about the Healey-Driscoll administration's $4.12 billion Affordable Homes Act, also referred to as the housing bond bill.
2Life resident exercising
What difference does the integration of housing, health care, and home care make for 2Life residents? Let’s follow four fictional residents through different parts of their days and find out.
Lizbeth Heyer, 2Life Vice President
In the December issue of Elevate, we explore the advantages of, and barriers to, integrating affordable supportive housing, health care, and home care for older adults — a significant component of our aging in community philosophy.
Integrating housing, health care, and home care: A multidimensional approach to aging well
In our society, many older adults with modest means face three pressing challenges.
Cover image of Winter 2023 issue of Elevate
Take a look at the latest issue of Elevate. In this issue, we explore the integration of housing, health care, and home care.