Two residents at a 2Life event

Learn what it means to age in community

Research has proven that isolation and loneliness negatively impact both physical and mental health. Yet, for the vast majority of senior adults in the Boston area, living in a vibrant, supportive community is beyond their financial reach.

2Life is on a mission to change that with our “aging in community” approach: supporting seniors so they can live with purpose and joy in housing they can afford, surrounded by the integrated services they need, and in a connected community environment. This multifaceted approach addresses mental, physical, spiritual, cultural, and economic needs with the goal of allowing residents to stay in their communities as long as possible. 

Three people sitting in a room with someone playing pool in the background

We start with a Village Center

2Life selects locations for our properties that are in the heart of vital neighborhoods wherever possible, giving residents easy access to all those neighborhoods have to offer: cultural and other events, shopping, religious services, restaurants, and more.

Then, our properties incorporate beautiful multipurpose spaces to invite the neighborhood in for special events, as well as provide a hub for spontaneous socializing and programming for residents themselves. Some properties include resources for the broader neighborhood as well, such as healthcare services delivered through 2Life partners.


We add rather than subtract

The broad set of empowering, engaging programs and services available to 2Life residents is unique in the affordable housing market. 2Life’s resident care services play a vital role in helping residents connect with programs and services both within and outside of 2Life, as well as access the benefits to which they are entitled — all at the direction of residents themselves. As needs change over time, programs and services adapt as well.

Residents and staff connecting at a campus event

Events and celebrations

Residents and staff from a variety of backgrounds and experiences foster a sense of welcome and discovery. Residents — who come from 42 countries and speak 22 different languages  — embrace each other’s unique stories and lived experiences, with cultural events a big part of the landscape. We celebrate Chinese New Year, August Moon Festival, International Women’s Day, Russia’s Victory Day, Rosh Hashanah, Passover, Christmas, Pride Month, and just about every other holiday you can think of, as well as host talent and art shows, dance parties, concerts, summer garden parties and BBQs, and more.

Coleman House interior

Lifelong learning

Research shows that intellectual engagement is key to healthy aging. 2Life residents enthusiastically participate in the Irma Schretter Lifelong Learning Program, demonstrating their keen desire to learn, grow, and engage with each other and the world around them. Hands-on classes, workshops, lectures, concerts, and more are part of residents’ everyday life.

Resident and staff member using exercise equipment

Fitness programs and services

Fitness programs and services at 2Life Communities play a significant role in promoting residents’ overall health and well-being and teaching fall prevention strategies. Each 2Life campus offers indoor fitness equipment and space, and some have outdoor fitness equipment. A wide variety of exercise and movement classes are offered each week across our seven campuses, both in person and recorded or live-streamed.

Director of Resident Technology Program Anna Verbuk assisting a resident with technology

Resident technology support program

This popular program offers technical support and group classes, computer center access, a digital device lending library, intergenerational partnerships, and community volunteer events. The ability to use technology helps residents connect with family and friends, keep current with what’s going on in the world around them, participate in virtual healthcare appointments or educational programs, and access important legal, financial, health, and public benefit information. 

Golda Meir House Kitchen

Food access program

Breaking bread together embodies 2Life’s commitment both to combat social isolation and economic insecurity and to support resident health and wellness. Our apartments provide full kitchens, and our residents (or their caregivers) can prepare meals privately. However, 2Life’s food access program is a way to provide supplemental affordable, healthy, and nutritious food while engaging residents in community life. Food is also a means of cultural expression and enhances residents’ multicultural awareness and appreciation.

Rabbi Fleishman with Gola Meir House residents

Spiritual care program

Through specialized expertise, our spiritual care team helps residents tap into these sources of meaning and move from social isolation to deep communal connection. Doing so allows residents to connect more fully with their sense of self and reflect on their legacy. In addition, 2Life’s spiritual care team works closely with residents to nurture their ability to cope with trauma; to reduce anxiety, stress, anger, and depression; to enhance the quality of their lives; to increase feelings of inner peace and hope; and to cope with the reality of their own aging process. 

Golda Meir House residents

Scholar in Residence program

Graduate students live on site at one of our older adult communities for one year at a greatly reduced rent. This living experience not only helps them at a time when finances can be a challenge; it provides them with a built-in, nurturing community willing to lend an ear, provide sage counsel, or simply a warm and welcoming smile. By sharing their educational experiences and growing skillsets, Scholars in Residence ignite interest in new subjects and enrich the lives of 2Life’s permanent residents.

We integrate housing and healthcare

Because older adults often struggle with access issues, integrating healthcare and housing just makes sense. Making healthcare convenient encourages its use, which in turn helps identify and address potential health issues before they become significant challenges. Better access also results in closer monitoring of and greater compliance with treatment for chronic conditions. The goal: helping residents continue to live in their apartments and enjoy community life for as long as possible. 

Healthcare working assisting 2Life resident in their apartment

Health programs and services

On-site wellness clinics help residents — many of whom have cognitive or physical disabilities or limited English — understand and effectively manage chronic conditions, reduce discomfort and pain, and make informed choices about their healthcare. Multilingual nurses monitor vital signs, help with medication management, educate and consult on health and lifestyle matters, monitor visual acuity, assess dizziness, track recent falls, and otherwise help manage chronic conditions — even contacting other healthcare providers on residents’ behalf as requested. 

Resident making artwork

Mental health and memory care programs and services

All of 2Life’s programs and services promote mental, physical, and social activity, which in turn improves overall mental health and slows memory decline. However, we also offer programs specifically targeted at mental health and memory care, such as expressive (music, art, dance) therapies and psycho-educational support groups, as well as give specialized training to staff, volunteers, and sometimes residents on these topics. 2Life’s ability to offer these services on site at no cost addresses gaps in mental and cognitive health services and systems as well as unmet health needs. 

Entance of the J.J. Carroll House and the ElementCare PACE center

Program of All-Inclusive Care centers

J.J. Carroll House in Brighton includes a Program of All-Inclusive Care (PACE) center, operated by Element Care PACE, a testament to the role that integrated housing and healthcare plays in successfully supporting aging adults. This comprehensive health and wellness program allows low-income seniors with advanced healthcare needs to receive comprehensive, coordinated care at home and in community. More centers are planned at 2Life properties and are open to individuals in the surrounding areas.

Tools and resources

We are delighted to share our insights, best practices, and resources to support other organizations in their work to provide truly supportive senior housing.