John Covington: Staying fit at J.J. Carroll House

For John Covington, visiting the on-site gym at the newly built J.J. Carroll House is part of his daily ritual. Every morning, he uses the Nautilus equipment and lifts weights to maintain his strength. This is more than just a fitness routine for John; it is a testament to his belief that staying active is one of the most important steps you can take to maintain your health as you age.
“Being active is so important,” says John. “I have a few small problems. Staying active makes me feel better and lets me maintain my independence.”
John says the common spaces at J.J. Carroll bring warmth and vitality to the community, offering residents ample opportunities to experience life when and how they choose.
“We have everything here,” he says. “There are ping-pong and pool tables. You’ll find activities and classes every day. The piano is always going. We have places to walk inside and outside or to sit and chat with neighbors. There’s even a playground out front.”
John believes 2Life’s attention to detail regarding the needs of older adults — particularly the way it creates vibrant spaces for socializing — is evident wherever you look.
“2Life has done a beautiful job,” he continues. “The amount of space is phenomenal. It gives public housing a whole different appeal. People can spend time together. The residents are friendly, and the staff is wonderful. There’s life here.”