Mario Alejandro Pita: The sweet sounds of music

2Life volunteer Mario Alejandro Pita inside the Golda Meir House in Newton, MA

As a musician and songwriter, Mario Pita believes in the transformative power of music. When he saw that 2Life was looking for a volunteer to lead karaoke events, he knew he had found an opportunity perfectly suited for him.

Mario hosts karaoke gatherings for residents at Golda Meir House on the first and third Mondays of every month. Residents sing and occasionally dance to a variety of musical genres in languages as diverse as Russian, Chinese, and Farsi. Mario has earned a reputation among residents and staff for creating a unique experience that brings joy to all who attend.

“Music is a beautiful way to connect with people and create community. It helps people break out of their shells and express themselves,” says Mario. “When I host events, I encourage everyone to sing, especially those who believe they can’t. I know if they can talk, they can sing. Seeing people take a risk and then change their minds about their singing ability is a truly wonderful, shared experience.”

For Mario, volunteering is about creating a life of purpose that lets him bring his skills to a larger community. In addition to 2Life, Mario shares his musical talents with seniors at a local assisted living center and works with people experiencing homelessness. He emphasizes the role we all play in creating resilient, supportive communities.

“In our society today, there is so much isolation,” he says. “We go to work, we go to our homes, and we don’t participate in community life. But community is what sustains us.”

Mario encourages people to volunteer and overcome the fear or inertia they might feel about taking that first step, adding, “Volunteering is much more rewarding and much less scary than it seems. The idea that I can bring music, smiles, and laughter to people is deeply satisfying.”

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