Shixuan Ai: Orchestrating Joyful Connections, note by note

Shixuan Ai

Shixuan Ai uses the power of music to reconnect residents with positive memories and emotions—and with each other. Joining 2Life just over a year ago, Shixuan coordinates the Joyful Connections program, 2Life’s creative, culturally sensitive therapeutic program to address the needs of residents on the memory loss spectrum.

With a graduate degree in music therapy, Shixuan has brought renewed energy to the program, combining movement, art, and music. Her sessions with residents are filled with song as she encourages participants to sing along as she plays the guitar or piano.
These musical interactions can be extremely powerful. Shixuan points to the example of one resident experiencing dementia who was withdrawn. “One day, I played a Chinese song and she just opened up. The music became a conversation tool that opened her memories,” she recalls, noting that music is an effective way to communicate across languages and cultures.

Shixuan encourages interactions among participants, creating a sense of belonging. “Sometimes, a participant will forget the lyrics to a song, but another person will fill in. They help and support each other,” she explains. “Participants feel they are not alone but part of a community.”

Shixuan says sharing her passion for music with older adults brings her deep satisfaction.
“I enjoy working with the residents at 2Life. Everyone here is focused on the same goal: to help the people who live here have a better quality of life,” she says. “Music can help.”

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