Valeriia Lendel: Easing the transition to a new home

Valeriia Lendel

For many 2Life residents, Valeriia Lendel is the first person they meet when they begin to think about living in one of our communities. As a leasing coordinator, she continually looks ahead to upcoming vacancies to avoid delays. She also takes the lead in transitioning applicants from our waiting list to becoming part of 2Life. That requires tact and sensitivity, as she confirms the applicant’s eligibility while ensuring fairness, consistency, and legal compliance.

Valeriia understands that moving to a new home can be stressful. So, she goes above and beyond to make sure the process is smooth. On moving day, Valeriia personally provides a tour of the apartment and common areas, as well as an introduction to 2Life’s unique approach to aging in community.

A native of Ukraine, Valeriia is invaluable in helping incoming residents who are Russian or Ukrainian speakers. But, regardless of what language is spoken, Valeriia says she loves working with the people at 2Life. “It’s important for us to be in touch with this generation,” she says. “They have insights and wisdom we can learn from. I really feel that I belong in this community with these people.”

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