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The Boston Globe logo
Responding to a story that gives guidance to adult children on how to help their parents move from a single-family home, Vice President and acting CEO Lizbeth Heyer encourages considering the benefits of aging in community.
2Life logo
We decry these terrorist attacks, we grieve for the loss of life, and we bear witness to the trauma it has wrought.
HUD logo
Grant part of $160 million government grants awarded nationwide to construct and operate more than 1,200 new rent-assisted units for low- and very low-income seniors.
McKnights Senior Living | Incentive Teaser
Twenty-five nonprofit organizations received $160.1 million from the HUD Office of Multifamily Housing Programs. 2Life was awarded $7.6 million, which it will use to create 127 apartments for low-income seniors.
Seniors Housing Business
Seniors Housing Business delved into the varied approaches toward housing for the “Missing Middle.” Opus Newton was highlighted for its creative solutions.